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Watch this video and more on Nuffield Health 24/7

Beginners PUMP with Zahra #1

Fitness and wellbeing classes • 22m

Up Next in Fitness and wellbeing classes

  • Preparing to be a parent

    Being a new parent can be challenging, but setting realistic expectations can really help. Learn how to use your support network for advice and reach out to other parents too.

    Establish the type of parent that you want to be from the beginning and align your parenting values with your partner’s...

  • How healthy eating and exercise can c...

    It’s time to manage your stress levels. Let Rachel guide you through how eating healthy snacks and exercise can help combat stress and explain the link between physical health and mental health.

    You'll learn about nutrition, from understanding the effects of processed foods and managing alcohol...

  • Building Resilience with Kate

    Learn how to build resilience in this five-minute video with our Emotional Wellbeing Therapist Kate.

    She’ll explain what resilience really is and the toolset required to get you through difficult situations. You'll also learn why self-awareness, motivation, and connecting with people are essent...

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