Join Nathan for this 45-minute Pump! workout. In this longer session, you'll need some light weights, a step and a mat to help strengthen and tone the entire body.
Don't have a step at home? Don't worry, Nathan will provide alternative exercises throughout.
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Pump! with Nathan #4
Join Nathan for a 30-minute Pump! class with weights. This class uses a step, light weights and a mat throughout to tone and strengthen your body. If you don't have a step, don't worry, Nathan will provide alternatives throughout, now let's get sweaty!
Attack! With Chris #3
Have fun, get energised and get sweaty with this Attack! class.
Chris brings you through 30-minutes of high impact moves with no impact options, so choose a move that's right for you.
HIIT with Marti #1
Target all your major muscle groups while getting your heart rate up with this 20-minute session.
For parts 1 and 2 you’ll be doing 2 rounds of 5 exercises – 30 seconds on, 10 seconds off, and for part 3’s Tabata you’ll be doing 4 rounds of 2 exercises – 20 seconds on, 10 seconds:
Part 1 and 2 –...