

7 Seasons

Olivia is a Personal Trainer and Fitness Manager, specialising in dance, Pilates and mobility classes, as well as aerobics, conditioning and stretch classes.

Olivia’s from a village in Cambridgeshire, but recently moved to Scotland, and she’s been with us for over 2 years. She’s a professionally trained dance and musical theatre graduate but also has qualifications in sports massage therapy.

Olivia is passionate about all things creative and regularly performs in a Dirty Dancing Musical around the UK. Fun fact – she managed to convince her peers at stage school that Ross Kemp was her dad for 3 years.

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  • Legs, Bums and Tums with Olivia #3

    Episode 1

    Strengthen and tone your leg muscles, glutes and abs with this 30-minute LBT class. You’ll be doing 3 blocks of 3 exercises, cycling through each exercise twice:
    Block 1 – reverse lunge pulses, donkey kick pulses and side leg raises on both sides x2
    Block 2 – glute bridge raises, glute bridges wi...

  • Pump! with Olivia #5

    Episode 2

    Work your entire body with this fun, 30-minute muscle-toning class. You’ll start on the floor with some chest presses and weighted hip thrusts, before getting up for some goblet squats, bent-over rows and lateral pull downs, to name a few.

  • Chair Workout with Olivia #2

    Episode 3

    Work your whole body from the comfort of your chair with this low-impact seated workout. Olivia takes you through some gentle stretches and mobility exercises to improve your flexibility and slowly raise your heart rate.

  • Legs, Bums and Tums with Olivia #2

    Episode 4

    In this 25-minute class you’ll tone your tum with plank variations, strengthen your legs with sumo squat exercises and work your bum with curtseys and glute bridges.

  • Core Workout with Olivia #3

    Episode 5

    Work your obliques and abs with standing twists, side leans, planks and crunches. Build your core strength with this energising 25-minute workout.

    Start with core rotations side and chest stretches and side leans for the obliques. Next, progress to plank variations and crunches for the abs.

  • Pump! with Olivia #4

    Episode 6

    Build full-body strength with this 30-minute weights workout. Start with windmills and wood chops, before grabbing the barbell for some lunge, press and deadlift sequences.

  • Core Workout with Olivia #2

    Episode 7

    Build strength and stability in your core with this 20-minute class. Feel the burn in your abs, back and glutes with plank variations such as mountain climbers, and leg raise variations such as scissors. Then focus on your obliques with side plank variations and bicycle twists.

  • Core Workout with Olivia

    Episode 8

    Engage that core with plank variations such as holds and mountain climbers, and finish with some welcome lying down exercises such as bicycle crunches and leg raises.

  • Legs, Bums and Tums with Olivia

    Episode 9

    Get ready for plenty of squat and plank variations to really work your leg muscles, glutes and core in this 30-minute class.

  • Beginners' Workout with Olivia

    Episode 10

    If you’ve never exercised before, or you just want to take it easy today, Olivia walks you through the basic principles of form and technique in this simple session.

  • Kettlebell Workout with Olivia

    Episode 11

    This 20-minute kettlebell workout will get your heart rate up while working your legs, arms and core. You can make the workout longer by adding 2–3 more sets if you're up for it.

  • Pump! with Olivia #1

    Episode 12

    Fire up your arm, leg and core muscles in this weight-based workout. As well as your two matching weights of choice, you’ll need a cushion to hand.

  • Chair Workout with Olivia

    Episode 13

    A low-impact chair-based workout to get your body moving and slowly build your heart rate.

  • Pump! with Olivia #3

    Episode 14

    Starting with some energising weight-based cardio, you’ll then move on to leg-weighted exercises and finally some weight exercises for your core.

  • Pump! with Olivia #2

    Episode 15

    This all-over weight-based workout will strengthen your lower and upper body, as well as your core muscles.