Total body workout

Total body workout

7 Seasons

If you’re after an all-rounder, these sessions are designed to strengthen as many muscles as possible.

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Total body workout
  • Full Body Workout with Ash #4

    Episode 1

    Target the whole body with small to medium weights to really hit that muscular endurance burn. You’ll be doing each exercise for 30 seconds – try to go for heavier weights in rounds 3 and 4 if you can:
    Round 1 and 3 – squats, shoulder presses, tricep kickbacks, bicep curls, front lunges, side lun...

  • Pump! with Nathan #4

    Episode 2

    Join Nathan for a 30-minute Pump! class with weights. This class uses a step, light weights and a mat throughout to tone and strengthen your body. If you don't have a step, don't worry, Nathan will provide alternatives throughout, now let's get sweaty!

  • HIIT with Ash #2

    Episode 3

    Get a full-body workout and improve cardiovascular fitness with this 30-minute HIIT session. You’ll be doing 3 exercises for 30 sections each, followed by a 20-second active recovery, before switching up the exercises 2 more times in each section:

    Part 1 and 3 consist of sumo squat jumps, close ...

  • Full Body Workout with Ash #3

    Episode 4

    Attack your body fat, simply using your body weight in this 30-minute workout. Ash takes you through 2 sets of exercises twice–and on the second time, he’ll take things up a notch to push you even harder:
    Round 1 and 3–squats, sumo jump squats, plank walks, push-ups, bicycle crunches, full sit-up...

  • Full Body Workout with Ash #2

    Episode 5

    Increase your muscular endurance with this 30-minute conditioning class with dumbbells:
    Round 1 and 3 – goblet squats, back lunges with shoulder presses, lie-down skull crushers, L-crunches, heel reaches, crucifix crunches, side lunges with upright rows, stiff leg deadlifts, bent arm pull-overs

  • Full Body Workout with Ash #1

    Episode 6

    This 30-minute conditioning class aims to work the whole body, using dumbbells to build your muscular endurance:
    Round 1 and 3 – squats with shoulder presses, rows, forward lunges with tricep drops, butterfly sit-ups, small crunches with knee touch, Russian twists, reverse lunges with lateral rai...

  • Pump! with Olivia #4

    Episode 7

    Build full-body strength with this 30-minute weights workout. Start with windmills and wood chops, before grabbing the barbell for some lunge, press and deadlift sequences.

  • Mobility Pilates with Olivia

    Episode 8

    Warm up with spinal flexion, extension and full roll down. Olivia takes you through some gentle movements to improve mobility, such as spine rolls and hip openers. Mobilise your entire body in this immersive 30-minute class.

  • Low-Impact HIIT with Panu #2

    Episode 9

    Panu takes you through this 24/7s 25-minute low impact HIIT workout. This bodyweight workout is kind to your joints but still intense enough to build strength and burn calories.

    Cool down with quad stretch and scorpion twist.

  • Full Body Workout with Panu #5

    Episode 10

    Panu takes you through this 30 minute total body conditioning workout. You’ll be using a barbell to perform lots of strength building, muscle toning and calorie burning moves.

  • Full Body Stretch with Panu

    Episode 11

    Tired, stiff or sore muscles? Try our 25 minute stretch and mobility session. You’ll be performing a range of full body stretches and exercises to help you move better in the gym and everyday life as a whole.

  • Total Body HIIT with Zahra

    Episode 12

    Zahra takes you through 10 exercises to work your whole body: pulse squat jumps, side shuffles with squats, curtsy lunges, mountain climbers, crawl outs with arm reaches, lunge jumps with shuffles, press-ups with reaches, planks to squats, plank taps, and squat jumping jacks. Round 1 is 45 second...

  • Dancers' Tone Workout with Olivia

    Episode 13

    It doesn’t matter whether you’ve danced before – this workout helps you build strength and tone around the key muscles that dancers use. There are a few steps to pick up, but it’s a lot slower than a typical dance class.

  • Beginners' Workout with Olivia

    Episode 14

    If you’ve never exercised before, or you just want to take it easy today, Olivia walks you through the basic principles of form and technique in this simple session.

  • Core Workout with Panu #9

    Episode 15

    Light up your core with 3 rounds of each exercise – 30 seconds on, 15 seconds off:
    Part 1 – single-leg V-ups and plank step outs
    Part 2 – bent hollow hold and rotational mountain climbers.

  • Low-Impact HIIT with Panu #1

    Episode 16

    If you have any injuries or joint issues, this workout is for you – it may be high intensity, but it’s lower impact. Panu also provides some even easier options if needed. You’ll do 3 rounds of each exercise, 30 seconds on, 10 seconds off:
    Part 1 – reverse lunges, plank shoulder taps and down-up...

  • Pilates with Olivia #1

    Episode 17

    This Pilates class focuses on back mobility and glute strength, which is great if you’re spending a lot of time sat down. It’s split into 6 exercises, including the two way stretch, full roll down, walk out to plank, and lengthening reach, some of which you can modify for more of a challenge. The...

  • HIIT with Ian #2

    Episode 18

    This 15-minute workout includes 5 rounds of air squats, ice skaters and bear crawls with a minute recovery in each of the rounds. After a quick warm-up, Ian and the team will take you through the first round, and then it’s over to you before they join you again for the cool down.

  • HIIT with Ian #1

    Episode 19

    This high-intensity 15-minute workout has 5 rounds of racer squats, straddles and press-ups into burpees – 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off – with no recovery between the rounds. After a quick warm-up, Ian and the team will take you through the first round, and then it’s over to you before they join...

  • Pilates with Olivia #3

    Episode 20

    This class will help you regain full body mobility with more dynamic movements up top before some floorwork and relaxation.

  • Cardio Blast with Olivia #2

    Episode 21

    Raise your heart rate and have some fun with these aerobic routines. There are a few jumps in there, but Olivia offers plenty of lower impact variations throughout if you’re struggling.

  • HIIT with Panu #6

    Episode 22

    This time it’s 3 rounds of 30 seconds on and 15 seconds off for both exercises in each section of this workout:
    Part 1 – jumping lunges and reverse crunches
    Part 2 – burpees and raised leg crunches
    Part 3 – bodyweight thrusters and mountain climbers.

  • Full Body Workout with Panu #4

    Episode 23

    This workout has 3 supersets – for each pair you’ll perform 10 reps of both exercises and go for 3 rounds:
    Superset 1 – walking planks and paused squat jumps
    Superset 2 – plank knee tuck twists and lying lateral pull downs
    Superset 3 – reverse crunches and burpees.

  • Full Body Workout with Panu #3

    Episode 24

    In part 1 you’ll complete 15 reps of each exercise in 3 rounds: push-ups into downward-facing dogs, crunches into glute bridges and standing forward lunges. Then in part 2 you’ll do 10 reps of each exercise, cycling through 3 times: wide plank ankle taps, body weight thrusters and butterfly sit-ups.